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Amelie Lämmle

Online Marketing Trainee

Amelie is an Online Marketing Trainee in SEA. She joined us in March 2024.

Before that, she studied Sports Business Management and gained her first online marketing experience at a Munich-based start-up in amateur football.

About Amelie

Amelie's favourite tool: Slack, communication is very important to her.

A must have on her desk: A water bottle and headphones.

What few people know about Amelie: She was a Girl Scout for a long time and coached a girls' football team. She was also born in South Africa.

Amelie's favourite core value is: Appreciation, because she is very passionate about working with colleagues and working together.

Where you can find Amelie in her spare time: Mostly on the soccer field, otherwise in nature, playing sports or out with friends. You can also find her relaxing with a book.

Amelie's MBTI-16 personality type is INFJ - The Advocate: These types want to make a difference, are conscientious, go through life with a clear sense of their values and never want to lose sight of what's important.

Her favourite benefit of The Boutique Agency is: Lunchit: Eating lunch together is just great.

If Amelie wasn't an online marketing trainee, she would be a competitive athlete, but unfortunately was often injured.

Professional background

Amelie studied Sports Business Management and gained her first experience in online marketing at a Munich-based start-up in amateur football. 

She speaks fluent English, having grown up in South Africa and London. She also spent a few weeks with a host family in New York.

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